
2016 Mortgage Interest Rate Forecast

2016 Mortgage Interest Rate Forecast

2016 marked the beginning of rising interest rates across all industries. For the last 10 years, the Federal Reserve has been assisting the market in order to promote buying. This year that program ends, and we start the slow and steady rise of interest rates. While most industries are seeing a dramatic increase in interest rates, the Real Estate industry has remained steadfast at low and consistent rates which should carry us through 2016. 

I had a Q&A session with John Musso, who is nationally ranked 2nd at Wells Fargo Home Lending, to get to the facts about new interest rates. Here’s why the housing market shouldn’t be freaking out about the interest rate changes.

BEWARE! New TRID Regulations

BEWARE! New TRID Regulations

October 1st brought with it a major overhaul to the mortgage application process. For years, realtors and buyers have been working with an time consuming and complicated mortgage application process that left your head spinning. Now, we have TRID, the new mortgage application.

TRID aims to make mortgages more transparent and coherent for home buyers. However, the new rules are still complicated with little room for forgiveness, so we’ve put together a brief guide on how best to break down the new TRID regulations and what you need to know.

Preparing Your Home for El Niño

Preparing Your Home for El Niño

It’s time to clean out your gutters and board up your windows. Weather forecasters are predicting the return of El Niño. El Niño is a “super storm” that last wreaked havoc in 1997-98 causing over $500 million in damage. Weather forecasters are now predicting El Niño’s return this winter. 

In Los Angeles this means heavy and sporadic rain with extreme winds and a chance of flooding. It also means that it’s time to prepare your home from potential damage. It’s important to recognize that small problems now can turn into expensive repairs later. So, how do you prepare for El Niño this season?